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Showing posts with the label prevent CNS adverse events

SSRIs increase the risk of falls in patients with Dementia

January 19, 2012 - Nursing home residents with dementia who are selected using serotonin inhibitors reuptake (SSRIs), a decline that SSRIs, new research shows do not use the injury as compared with risk is increased. In addition, the risk is dose dependent, average nonusers, authors, Rotterdam, Erasmus University Medical Centre, Netherlands, reported in S. Carolyn Sterke, MSc, lead 3 times the risk compared with those using food  with.   Carolyn Sterke "Even at low doses, SSRIs in nursing home residents with dementia fall hazards are associated with a growing danger," the authors write. A hypnotic or sedative SSRI use with increased risk include even more. The study, published online January 18 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology are. Vulnerable population "The poor are elderly patients," Josepha A. I  Cheong, MD, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida, who was not involved in the research professor of psychiatry, Medscape M...