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Showing posts with the label AC3056


April 2, 2007 AstraZeneca reported positive results from Phase III trial, (Measuring the effects on the thickness and endothelial media: 1 OfRosuvastatin evaluation), of Crestor for the treatment of atherosclerosis.  He joined the 24-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 984 shows, and hypercholesterolaemic subjects with low risk of coronary artery disease andevidence of sub-clinical atherosclerosis.  The results showed thatsubjects with Crestor 40 mg experienced 0.0014 mm / year and a decrease in endothelial thickness meanmaximum media carotid artery, a sign of the burden of atherosclerosis, compared to the evolution of 0.0131 mm / year for those on placebo (P ≤ 0. 0001).  Inaddition, Crestor reduced demonstrated 48.8% in LDL-C and 8 1.  0% increasein HDL-C (both p ≤ placebo versus 0.0001).  AstraZeneca plans to submit NDA and Crestor MAAfor in the treatment of atherosclerosis in the first half of 2007. Scios issued positive results of the...